What's a Menofesta and Why at 55 the Founder went from Business Coaching to Menopause Bars

After ill advised searches on “Dr. Google” I self-diagnosed that I probably wasn’t losing my mind, at 48 years old, I was in perimenopause. Yikes!
My mom, normally a sage, had no experience to impart because she had a hysterectomy at 44. I turned to my friends to crowdsource their symptoms, and wow did they have things to say! Soaking wet at night! Mysterious weight gain! Can’t focus! Tired for no reason! Grumpy, teary, happy, repeat! As far as solutions go, there was also a lot being listed but no magic cures. They were most commonly presented with hormone pushing (aka hormone therapy or HRT), yam cream experimentation, even custom made bioidenticals.
We all agreed that Menopause, from peri to post, was draining, and knowing that it can last for 4-10 years is a lot to accept. And now, COVID has made us all acutely aware that not only is our health precious, but we also don't have time to waste on superficiality and things that don't matter. We need to own our journey.
So, I am declaring that acting as if menopause is negative or shouldn't be talked about is OVER. Women matter, and menopause matters. Life is fragile, so we need to stop wasting years acting as our bodily experiences don't matter.
Today, there are 31 million women in the American workforce experiencing menopausal symptoms and 1.2 billion women worldwide will be menopausal by 2030, so it’s time to stop suffering in silence and take the shame out of the transition - starting with owning Menopause out loud!
It’s ridiculous that society acts as if no longer having a menstrual cycle is a shameful thing. As an age obsessed culture, menopause is seen as an indicator that a woman is "no longer youthful or attractive" or worse, no longer biologically useful. And why are women (and actually men too) so very uncomfortable talking about their bodies - especially in public?
When I searched iStock photos with the term menopause, the majority of the images were of women with their heads down in their hands, on their desks, or generally looking exhausted and miserable.
I believe it’s actually EMPOWERING to no longer worry about getting an ill-timed period! My personal list of things that have opened up to me range from wearing white pants and pool parties to staying home because I have meaningful things to focus on versus actively avoiding going out because I feel weepy for no reason!
Our brave new world is here, and now it’s time to take a page from the UK where you can find conferences entirely dedicated to the subject of menopause and have tracks like “How to UnF&^%$ck Yourself”! Women need a community to share stories, get support, and have access to expert advice.
As a mother of 3, wife, successful entrepreneur, author, and business coach for over 20 years, I decided to manage menopause just like I manage everything - like a BOSS. And, with a thoroughly researched strategic plan to take control of my life and help others going through the same thing.
During the first 5 years of my own meno journey, I gained 10 pounds around my middle which is especially unhealthy when estrogen levels are decreasing. I learned from my dear friend and menopause expert, Dr. Lareesa Ferdinand, that keeping waist size under 35” goes a long way towards supporting overall health and reducing the risk for heart disease.
Through my research, I was determined to discover the easiest way to get the nutrients a body in meno needs, manage belly fat, AND curb my sugar cravings as naturally and quickly as possible. So through my desperate desire (and love of snacks!), “Bossa Bars, Power Food for the Pause” were born.
Bossa Bars are all-natural, gluten-free, plant-based energy bars with powerful ingredients to support female nutrition during menopause to help keep belly fat down and happiness high! And let’s be real - a delicious and healthy bar is way more satisfying than just a handful of supplements - and also perfectly sized for on-the-go.
My mission is to Make Menopause Easier and I want my brand to empower women to emerge from hiding their menopause journey to living i.e., #menolikeaboss! Women have come together to support one another since the beginning of time. From knitting circles and church clubs to new mommy groups and networking forums. So why should menopause be any different? Women in midlife need community even more because of the things we are going through - becoming empty nesters, divorce, libido changes, hair loss, weight gain, etc.
Women need to be in a community with others who are going through similar experiences to know that they are not alone, that this isn't just a medical issue, and they can get through it - maybe even enjoy the journey with the support of other women in the pause.
We are putting forth a MenoFesta to help our customers not just survive menopause, but actually love their meno journey every step of the way. So join us because, sister, it’s a brand new day!
The B.O.S.S.A. MenoFesta
Believe The Meno is Empowering!
Optimize Energy, Eat More Plants
Snack Smartly to Trim the Tummy
Sleep Like a Baby (take naps!)
Act like the best is yet to come!
Let’s do this!